The roll-forward is the name for a collection of processes that initiate course data records for new semesters using data from previous semesters. This is done in order to prevent users from having to re-key all courses/sections every semester. After the roll-forward users need to review the copied course information and update it for the new term. The roll-forward process is completed by WUIT and OUR.

In order to minimize data entry tasks for schools and departments:

  • Curriculum courses are rolled forward from the most recent prior semester. For example, fall 2019 Curriculum course data rolled forward to spring 2020. Fall and Spring Curriculum courses are rolled-forward fall to spring, spring to fall. Summer is a little different in that summer courses roll-forward from summer term to summer term (summer 2019 rolled forward to summer 2020).
  • Semester and Section records are copied forward from the most recent corresponding same semester (fall to fall, spring to spring and summer to summer). For example, fall 2019 was copied from fall 2018, spring 2020 was copied from spring 2019 and summer 2020 was copied from summer 2019.
  • Almost all data is rolled forward except for:
    • Assistants in Instruction, Teaching Assistants and Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
    • Room assignments that were randomly assigned by OUR for Pooled Classrooms and room assignments that were randomly assigned by EMS domains including, Brown, Engineering, Law, Olin, and Sam Fox.
  • Only courses/sections with a status of “OK” are rolled forward.


  • Fall and Year (YR) term courses are rolled forward in early December.
  • Spring courses are rolled forward in early June.
  • Summmer courses are rolled forward in late September, early October.