The School Info Update window allows administrative users (dean’s office level or higher) to lock-out users in an entire school. This is a much faster process than locking and unlocking single departments using the Dept Info Update window. This table can be found by going to Application Functions>School Info Update.

Read more about the lock-out process at WUCRSL Lockout

How to Lock-Out Users in an entire school”

  • Go to WUCRSL>Application Functions>School Info Update.
  • Pick the semester using the “Select Semester” button.
  • Set the “Update status” from “Active” (open) to “Finished” (locked-out) for each school to be updated.
    • When a school status is changed from Active to Finished, only the non-obsolete departments are updated. Obsolete departments can only be changed individually using the Dept Info Update process, not the School Info Update process.
  • Click the “Set Department Status” button.
  • Click the Save icon.
  • When the lock-out is over set the “Finished” schools back to “Active.”

There are two main areas on campus that periodically lock-out WUCRSL users:

Dean’s Offices

  • Dean’s offices have a similar process of locking out users from making WUCRSL changes during the time period in which they are approving semester courses in preparation for courses to go online. This usually takes place in September and February.
  • University College often locks out U and L departments after the data entry period for summer courses has ended (February/March – end of Summer session).

Office of the University Registrar

  • When the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) implements a lock-out, it is intended to prevent the schools using pooled classrooms (usually EN, A&S and U College) from making changes in WUCRSL that may adversely affect pooled classroom reservations, including things like enrollment limit changes or the addition of new sections.
  • OUR lock-outs usually take place in December, March and July.