Courses and Sections need to be approved (in a status of OK) in order for students to enroll/waitlist, drop or withdrawal, be available in Blackboard, Canvas, WebSTAC, WebFAC, EGrades, online Course Listings, and UCOnline

There are three ways to approve courses or sections:

  1. Individual Course/Section Approval – You can approve an individual course (Curriculum or Semester) or an individual section (Section) by clicking the red approval check mark on the Curriculum, Semester or Section window.
  2. Blanket Approval Department – This semester based window allows a dean’s office user the ability to approve Semester and Curriculum courses all at once for a single department. This feature is often used after a school as reviewed course offerings for a semester. See Blanket Approval Department
  3. Blanket Approval School – This semester based window allows a dean’s office user the ability to approve Semester and Curriculum courses all at once for an entire school. This feature is often used after a school as reviewed course offerings for a semester. See Blanket Approval School

When do courses need to be approved?

Courses and Sections need to be approved when they are in a status of new, chg, del or rnw. Bulk approvals are typically made by dean’s offices prior to courses for a semester being displayed on the web and then periodically throughout a semester when changes are made requiring re-approvals.

NEW – Indicates a brand new entry to Curriculum, Semester or Section. New courses/sections require Dean’s office review and approval (once the Dean reviews the courses and clicks on the “approve” option). Once approved, the status changes from ‘new’ to ‘ok’.

CHG – There are two reasons why a course might have a status of “CHG.”

  • Indicates that a change was made to a previously approved course (a course that had a status of OK). Only changes to fields labeled with red text will switch a status from “OK” to “CHG.”
  • Indicates that a previously existing course/section rolled forward from one semester to the next. For example, when Fall 2017 Curriculum courses rolled forward to Spring 2018, all of those Fall 2017 courses that had a status of “OK” rolled forward into Spring 2018 with a status of “CHG.” This allows the dean’s offices to review all courses and make final approvals.

DEL – Indicates that a course has been deleted by a department/school because it is no longer going to be part of a department’s regular course offerings. A course maintains is ‘del’ status until that deletion is approved by the Dean’s office. Once approved, the status changes from ‘del’ to ‘ddd’.

RNW – Indicates that a course has been renewed (reinstated) from deletion (either ‘del’ or ‘ddd’). This proposed “renewal” is awaiting Dean’s office approval. Once approved, the status changes from ‘rnw’ to ‘ok’.