This is a Business School only tool that allows the Olin Business School to map relationships between Academic Programs and Course Sections. This is useful for their course evaluation process. This table can be found at Application Functions>Section Program Mapping.

As of August 2018 – The divisions participating in Section Program Mapping are BU, GB, GM, GX, PB and PM.

Basic requirements:

  • Semester Selector to work with one semester’s courses at a time. Semester data rolls-forward each semester.
  • Department Selector. Restricted at this time to B-School Departments.
  • You can insert a new row to add a program to course section. Deleting a row is also allowed.
  • User must choose a “Required”/”Elective” value (from dropdown)
  • User must choose to indicate which program is primary program (if more than one program is mapped to a course section.
  • User may enter a “Class Number” if needed.
  • In April 2017 a request was made by the Business school to add MP Field of Study to the Academic Program data. This is a future enhancement.


  • B-School Admins will use the window to create initial entries.
  • B-School Admins will use the new window to edit/manage/add data as appropriate.
  • Access to data is via Reporting Database view. Request permission from the Office of the University Registrar for designated users.