Be sure you are logged out of WUCRSL before you update to a new version.
Update using the “Update WUCRSL” Icon on your Desktop
- Find the “Update WUCRSL” icon on your desktop
- Double click the “Update WUCRSL” icon to launch the “SIS Updater” program
- Updating should only take a few seconds. When it’s finished, you will see the WUCRSL Login screen. Enter your WUSTL Key login ID and password.
If you do not have the “Update WUCRSL” icon on your desktop, follow these procedures:
- If you are running Windows, go to the Windows start button
- Go to “All Programs” and then find the “Washington University” folder
- Double click to open the “Washington University” folder and go to the “WUCRSL” sub-folder
- In the “WUCRSL” sub-folder you should see an icon to update WUCRSL. Double click on the “Update WUCRSL” icon to launch it.
- Updating only takes a few seconds. When it’s finished, you will see the WUCRSL Login screen. Enter your WUSTL Key login ID and password.
Note: If, for any reason, the above procedure won’t work, try re-installing WUCRSL. Installation instructions can be found on the Installing WUCRSL page. Contact the Office of the University Registrar if you need assistance.
Note: From within WUCRSL, if you click on “Help” from the menu bar and then on “About,” you can verify the software version number you are currently using. Check with the Office of the University Registrar to determine the most current version number.
Note: If you’re installing WUCRSL for the first time, the above procedure won’t work. Installation instructions can be found on the Installing WUCRSL page. Contact the Office of the University Registrar if you need assistance.