WUCRSL uses a standard Windows graphical interface, and incorporates standard features such as tool bars, pull-down menus, OPEN commands, SAVE commands, etc. As with any Windows based system, you point, click, tab from field to field, examine drop down selection boxes, access menu bar options, save re-cords, delete records, use scroll bars, and so forth.


Many functions may be selected from either the menu bar or the toolbar buttons. You can customize your Toolbar buttons in several ways, e.g., to show text or not. The following steps will help you customize your toolbar. Select Window from the menu bar, then Tool Bar for a pop-up box of options. (Some of the vertical tool bars used in WUCRSL are too long to fit on a screen with Show Text turned on; once you’ve become familiar with the various buttons you may want to turn this option off.) If you turn on the option Show Powertips, the text revealing an icon’s function will display when you move the mouse over the icon.

Example: Toolbar Set-Up and Selecting Information


It is important to remember that all file commands in WUCRSL are relative to an academic working environment. When you need to work with records for a particular course, you will OPEN files for a specific semester, school, department, and course using a select box. Use the mouse to scroll through the lists in order to select a specific school, semester, department, and course number with which you wish to work. You can also enter this same info directly into the fields found at the bottom of the “OPEN” window.


  • Pay close attention to the top blue title bar/line, as that will be useful to double-check and identify whether you are accessing CURRICULUM info, SEMESTER course update page info, OR SECTION specific info.
  • In some instances the WUCRSL data entry screens encompass so much information that everything is not always visible on your screen. Consequently, it is wise to “maximize” the windows whenever possible. This will enable vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars which are often needed to see data that would otherwise be too far to the right or too far below the visible screen.
  • Enter data in upper and lower case, as desired. In some instances (as with the SIS Short Title field) the field will automatically set the case for your text. Thus, when the database requires all capital letters for a field value, WUCRSL will automatically make that happen for you.
  • You can use the UNDO button (found on the left vertical tool bar) if you are ever uncertain about what you have modified on the data entry SECTIONS screen.
  • You can also move back and forth from one course or section by clicking on the Previous or Next buttons located at the bottom of the data entry screens. Toggle back and forth using these buttons is a quick and easy way to move from course to course, especially when making lots of changes.


WUCRSL will allow you to use standard Windows Copy and Paste commands as needed.

  • If you highlight field text and then press the <CTRL> C key Sequence to copy, that text is temporarily stored in a paste buffer.
  • If you subsequently move to a new field and then press <CTRL> V to paste, the selected text will re-appear in the new field. This option is most useful in WUCRSL when copying long course descriptions from one course into another, allowing you to quickly create new course descriptions and make updates to the text only where necessary for the new course.
  • You can also quickly paste into WUCRSL a course description from Microsoft WORD or that you may have received from an instructor via email.