By the 4th week of the semester in which a course is taught, every department will be asked to do one last “double-check” and to “verify” the instructors for their courses. It’s important for all courses and all sections to have accurate instructor information. Instructors must be linked properly in order for EGrades, Canvas, and WebFAC to be used properly. In addition, the Office of the University Registrar and the dean’s offices facilitate miscellaneous reporting based on this information. If you have already connected the instructor to the course from the Update Sections window, you only need to verify its accuracy as documented here. To minimize your time, it is only necessary to verify sections that have at least one student enrolled. Sections with zero enrollment may be skipped.
Open the Instructor Verification window from the Application Functions drop-down list found on the very top menu bar.

- In WUCRSL, go to Application Functions and then Instructor Verification.
Instructor Verification is only necessary for home course, not crosslists (idents). - Click on the Open Folder icon and then choose your school, semester and department.
- To verify that an instructor is linked properly, double-click on the instructor’s name for the particular section/lab (i.e. the currently selected line). This will mark the instructor as verified (the box under the “Verified” column will get a check mark).
Repeated “double-clicks” on an instructor’s name will act as a toggle, adding or removing the check mark, thus indicating whether the instructor is “verified” or not.
As you work on verifying your instructors, you have several options for displaying sections. You can choose to:
- “Show all” sections
- “Show unverified only”
- “Show unverified only with current enrollment.” Displays sections that have not been verified and that have at least one student enrolled. This the best and fastest option for completing the verification process.

If the instructors listed on the Verify Instructors window are not correct, you can also add or change instructors directly from this window. To add or change, click “Chg” next to the instructor’s name. This will pull up the HR link list of all instructors. After you have selected a new instructor, you will still need to double click on the instructor’s name to verify him or her.
For other instructor changes, like instructor deletions, print name changes, master/grader changes and percent effort changes, go directly to a course’s section record and make your changes there.
- Click the ‘Chg’ button for that particular section/lab/etc.
- Select the instructor from the pop-up list of instructor names.
- Find the name you want and then click the “Select” button at the bottom of the list window to add the name.
- The ‘Instructor not linked’ message on the Verification window will now have been replaced by the name of the instructor from the HR file (note that your Print Name for the instructor does not change).
In this example, Anthropology has chosen to show all sections that have not had instructors verified. You can see that several sections do not have any students enrolled. To make this list more meaningful, Anthropology has the option to choose “Show unverified only with current enrollment”

By clicking on the “Show unverified only with current enrollment”, only those sections which have one or more students enrolled are displayed. Eliminating courses with zero enrollment helps the verification process go much faster. In the example below, you can see that the sections 29, 30 and 31 of L48 3999 have now disappeared. They are no longer displayed because the Instructor Verification window is only displaying unverified sections with current enrollment. As these sections had no enrolled students, they were eliminated from displaying.

Periodically, the Office of the University Registrar will send reminders (and possibly lists) of sections that still need to have instructors added and/or verified.