The Department Info Update screen can be found under Application Functions>Dept Info Update. Some of the fields on this screen are maintained by the Office of the University Registrar. It includes standard information about departments. More information is found below.

This is the departmental abbreviation that is being used nearly everywhere in various output forms (on the web, transcripts, course listings, Bulletin). If your department has a name change, and you need to update your short name, contact the Office of the University Registrar. For example, International and Area Studies changed its name from International Studies. The Short Name was there-fore changed from “IS” to “IAS.” The Short Name will either be an abbreviation like “Anthro” or an acronym like AFAS. This field is semester specific so if a change is made in fall 2006 that you want to carry forward, the change must also be made in SP2007 and SU2007. The information in this field rolls over in the same way curriculum course information rolls forward, fall to fall and spring to spring.
This field is controlled by the dean’s offices and the Office of the University Registrar and indicates whether or not departments have update/change capability in WUCRSL. During publication and classroom scheduling cycles, your may get “locked out” from making changes in WUCRSL. Please see WUCRSL Lockout for information on how being locked out affects you.
There are three status types:
- Active (WUCRSL is open for changes, additions, updates)
- Finished (WUCRSL is locked for changes, additions, updates)
- Obsolete (the department no longer exists. Changes, additions and updates are not permitted)
If you are unable to make changes to an existing semester and can’t figure out why, check the Status field. Unless it is marked “Active” you cannot make changes. Contact your dean’s office with questions.
Note: Even during times when departments are locked out (status of Finished), department users can still update instructor and support person links.
Department campus box number.
COURSES SCHEDULED BY S25 (Now referred to as EMS as of June 2016)
This field indicates whether or not the department’s courses are scheduled into pooled classrooms. This is the overall pooled classroom participation flag. Individual courses may be exempted from being scheduled into pooled classrooms based on the domain setting on Section record. Please see the Sections File for details.
Note: In the summer of 2016, S25 (a room software scheduling program) was replaced by EMS. The “Courses scheduled by S25: field now applies to EMS, even though the S25 label was not changed from S25 to EMS. The EMS Assigned setting on the Section window will always supersede any setting on the Department Info Update window.
Indicates that dean’s office approval must be given for Curriculum or Semester additions, changes, renewals, or deletions.
This text appears in the online Course Listings, when users click on the “Dept. Info” link for a department.

Departments can update this text any time. This field is semester specific so if a change is made in fall 2016 that you want to carry forward, the change must also be made in SP2017 and SU2017. The information in this field rolls over in the same way curriculum course information rolls forward, fall to fall and spring to spring.
Department web address can be listed here. URLs listed here create a link to the department website on the web course listings. Web addresses must include the “http://” in order to work. For example is an acceptable format for WUCRSL, but is not.
Individual web addresses for specific courses/sections can be listed in the URL field in the Sections window.